Saturday, December 27, 2008

trying to finish the list

71. Send something to my Swap-Bot partner realted to their 101 list.
72. See the AFI's top 100 films. (Even re-watch the ones I have already seen.) - Watch all the movies from BOTH lists, there are a few that were ousted from the list as new ones were added & I want to see ALL of them.
73. Finish the address book of FAMILY.
74. Take re-useable bags to the grocery store more often than not. (I'll count them as I go to the store.)
75. Give some "just because" gifts. (at least 5)
76. Finish the latch hook Christmas Tree Skirt that I rescued from Mom.
77. Have a font made from my Handwriting.
78. Come up with & post one good "one sentence".
79. Read the series that inspired "Bones".
80. Start a MySpace page - So I can view the family pics that are on "friends only" profiles.
81. Make a household inventory, for insurance reasons.
82. Write a will.
83. Get three professional massages.
84. Get five professional pedicures.
85. Give myself a home pedicure 8 times with the gift I got for Christmas.
86. Visit two states I have not yet been to.
87. List the states I have already visited (from before this list) as it is one of my life goals to visit all 50 states.
88. Post my actual life list.
89. Go camping as a FAMILY! with all of us.
90. Get a decent sized coloring book & new box of crayons. Color the WHOLE book by myself. Color the entire page - even the backgrounds.
91. Get Birthday info on ALL of BOTH our families.

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